Clubs and Groups

Clubs and Groups
Social groups and clubs are strongly encouraged and supported here at Wildlight. Groups and clubs in Wildlight are designed to help residents pursue common interests in hobby, recreational, social, service and cultural endeavors, while building community spirit and expanding horizons.  
Groups and clubs should encourage their members to fully participate and enjoy the diverse programs and facilities within the Wildlight Community that makes life here so enjoyable and rewarding.  To guarantee that all groups/clubs are developed and executed successfully, all are required to complete an approval form in order to receive the benefits offered. Prior to completing this application, please review the Social Group/Club Guidelines. Thank you for your interest!

Bunco Club

Bunco is known for its casual and social nature, making for an exciting time for club gatherings. The game involves players taking turns rolling dice to match a target number, with the goal of earning points. The game is typically fast-paced, with players rotating tables after each round. 
If interested, contact Beth Scott: 

Euchre Club

Euchre is a popular, strategic, trick-taking card game for four players in partnerships. The goal is to be the first team to score a set number of points. Players bid to determine the trump suit for the round and try to win tricks using higher-ranking cards or trump cards. 
Contact Robert Byrer to RSVP:

Pickleball Club

There are 40 residents on the list that hopefully can make it to an "open play" clinic soon.
The Wildlight courts will be ready before you know it and we will be too.
Get in touch by clicking the button below to reach Marilyn - ALL levels are welcome!

Readers Gone Wild!

Forest, Founders, and Hawthorn Park Residents:
The Book Club is BACK! Please get your books and join your neighbors to discuss. Enjoy time with friends that's just for YOU!
Thursday, December 12th, 2024
Beth's Home
Book: The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett

Contact Beth Scott to

Wildlight Ladies Group

Forest, Founders, and Hawthorn Park Residents:
Want an opportunity to meet more of your neighbors?
Let's start a ladies group!
From coffee chats to kid play dates at the pool,
movie dates and ladies brunches....
Contact Holly Kramer to RSVP: 

Wildlight Run/Walk Club

Every Saturday
6:30 a.m.
Meet in front of the YMCA
Come join us beginning THIS Saturday for a 5, 3 or 1 mile course to get to 
know your neighbors and head outdoors with friends! 
Don't forget your reflective gear/flashlights